Speaking on the efforts of Organic India, William Nanda Bissell, Chairman, Fabindia, said, "Organic India instituted the Dharti Mitr Awards four years ago and this year, it has returned bigger and brighter in collaboration with the prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke International Film Festival (DPIFF). Organic farming plays an important role in the sustainable and environment-friendly growth of India. This appreciation and recognition by Organic India will strengthen the confidence of farmers and further build the organic farming ecosystem in India. Organic India is a very critical part of our efforts to establish new benchmarks for growth driven by ESG values."
Directed by Mirali Narayan, the Malayalam film won the prestigious Camera d'Or. A deeply haunting film on class divide, the film was a story of a farmer who is wrongly implicated and jailed for a murder he has not committed and has been sentenced to electrocution- a first in his state.
film farm india private limited
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